Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child
Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child
Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child
  • Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child
  • Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child
  • Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child

Howard, Saralee Title: Imagining Athena as a Child


Saralee Howard

Imagining Athena as a Child

28 x 22 x 2", framed to 31 x 25”

Acrylic on Canvas


Online Only


This was a fanciful flight into the myth of Athena. I imagined Athena as a child with owl symbols and strong intelligence and yet the childlike innocence.

Artist Statement:

 My acrylic painting "Imagining Athena as a Child" is a step beyond the traditional Greek myth. Here Athena has both owl symbols and intelligence plus the magical aura of childhood.  

Collection: "It's All Greek to Me!" Exhibition 2024

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