Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love
Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love
Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love
  • Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love
  • Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love
  • Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love

Gresham, Kyra Title: Goddess of Love


Kyra Gresham

Goddess of Love

30 x 24 x 1”

Acrylic on Canvas


I have always loved Greek mythology. The Venus de Milo is said to depict Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Her beauty shines through although she is missing her arms. I added a blue background to signify the colors of the Greek flag.

Artist Statement:

My sister and I have shared a love for Greek culture as long as I can remember. Greek Mythology has always been an area of interest for me. Venus de Milo is said to depict Aphrodite, the goddess of love.  Aphrodite's beauty still comes through although she is missing her arms.  In fact, the statue is even more renowned and recognizable because of what she is missing.  The blue background signifies the colors of the Greek flag.  I used canvas and acrylic paint to create this piece.  

Collection: "It's All Greek to Me!" Exhibition 2024

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